This virus is generally fatal and fast-moving. Washington state was one of the first US states to have a large spread via Canada and outbreaks as recent as 2024. All rabbits must be fully vaccinated before arrival to ensure every-bun’s safety including updated shots each year. The most common is the Medgene vaccine in two doses, roughly 21 days apart, for the first year. The rabbit will be considered fully safe to be boarded 14 days after the second dose. The vaccine will need 1 dose for every year thereafter. Feel free to reach out if you have additional question on getting your rabbit vaccinated in time. I have provided links to additional information below that includes details, spread, and vaccine locations.
A 4’x4’ pen space at 3’ high to ensure safety.
I have 3 pens available, but can set up a 4th if given advance notice. If the 3 pens are full then reach out directly to see if I can have the 4th ready for you.
Pens are layered with a tarp, cotton rug, and washable urine pads. Fleece is laid on the very top for comfort.
You are encouraged to bring any additional comforts from home including blankets, stuffed animals, toys, and hideaways. The more the pen smells like home, the safer they will feel!
I can store small treats, toys, and pellets for your rabbits outside of their pen, but please take any large items like carriers home with you as space is limited.
Orchard/Timothy Hay.
I predominantly use orchard as it is less prone to causing allergies but can supply timothy and even oat hay.
Pellets: Oxbow adult/Science Selective 4+ years.
For short term boarding under a week. I ask that pellets be brought with your rabbit as I am limited of what brands I have available.
Main greens: kale, romaine, green/red leaf lettuce.
As available:
Greens: bok choy, carrot tops, wheat grass.
Herbs: mint, dill, basil, cilantro, parsley, oregano, lavender, sage.
Fruit/veg: apples, strawberries, pears, bananas, cucumbers, carrots, grapes, blueberries, raspberries.
Other: dried apple and strawberry leaves. Organic dried fruits from Trader Joes.
While I love giving rabbits attention, I will generally limit touching the rabbits too much unless it is feeding time or a medical concern/treatment to avoid any unneeded stress.
If you do need full grooming then please advise ahead of time to discuss. Pricing noted on the Price tab!
For any thorough non-boarding grooming/nail trimming/etc, I recommend Patricia at Hare B&B https://www.facebook.com/HareBNBRescue
I will reach out to you first if any sign of immediate concerns are noted to discuss next steps.
I do have some emergency supplies on hand such as baby gas drops, styptic powder, recovery food, critical care, etc.
If a vet visit is needed, you will be responsible for all charges. I will focus on getting you in direct contact with the vet if you are able to be reached by phone/text/e-mail.
For 24 hour emergency, I use Blue Pearl Pet Hospital and will try either the one in Olympia or Lakewood.
For standard care, I use Evergreen Avian and Exotic Animal Hospital located in University Place, WA.
Will you take unfixed rabbits?
99.9% of the time will be no. It will cause stress to other boarders and additional mess. If there is an emergency I may consider it, but it will be a case by case basis.
Can I drop-off/pick-up my rabbit outside normal hours?
Possibly! We can discuss if known ahead of time. I understand emergencies happen due to canceled flights, trips, etc.